Historic Preservation Society Meeting Minutes




07:00 PM

Meeting Location:

City Hall Community Room

Agenda Files:

Sugar Hill Historic Preservation Society

Regular Meeting Minutes

August 15th, 2016 | 7:00 PM |

City of Sugar Hill City Hall – Sugar Hill History Museum

Members Present: Karen Harrison, Erin Stachowiak, Joann Burel, Chris Walker

Staff Present: Varessa Butts, Scott Andrews

Guests: Jean Montgomery, Marilyn Montgomery, Aly Lopez

Meeting began at 7pm

  1. Kile Benson Cemetary status
    1. Site cleaned up and mulch and pavers laid
    2. Signage and plantings still to be completed
    3. SHHPS to verify the involvement of the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution), if any. Susan  Gilbert potential contact for information.
    4. $400 has been donated for the upkeep of Cemetary
      1. Funds will not roll over to next year and will need to be spent on signage or gift cards to be used at a later date for maintenance.
    5. Sugar Rush
      1. Erin to be Point person For this event
      2. SHHPS will provide a scaled down event
        1. a booth with activities
          • Coloring contest
          • Trivia
          • Giveaways for contest winners and trivia answers
            • Tee shirts – will need a design
              • Suggested idea on shirt: #whoisEnochBenson?
  1. $3000 to provide the cost for supplies and giveaways, remaining money to go to City fund.
  • Additional meeting for commission and/or volunteers for Sugar rush to meet on October 3rd 2016 at 7pm to prepare for event. Location TBD
  1. Will need to coordinate with Event team to verify if we can get a tent and/or tables for the event
  2. Estimated 9000 people came through Sugar Rush last year, SHHPS needs to estimate the quantity of give aways.
  • Cemetery Tours
    1. Chris is in need of additional stories to add to roles of characters – specifically women characters
    2. Group will be contacted when help is needed
  1. SHHPS shirts
    1. Shirts for events were voted on and approved by all. Will be ordering Lime Green Polos to have screen printed.
    2. Extra shirts will also be ordered to accommodate size issues.
  2. SHHPS Laptop
    1. Contact to be made with city IT representative to coordinate purchase
  3. Open membership seats
    1. All open positions to remain open till further notice and/or new volunteers show activity and interest
    2. In the interim, all members to fill in varying roles as needed.
  • Facebook
    1. Additional members added as editors to page
    2. Ideas for future posts discussed and SHHPS to follow up with leads for these stories

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