Meeting Minutes Youth Council




05:30 PM

Meeting Location:

Council Chamber

Agenda Files:

City of Sugar Hill Youth Council

Meeting Minutes

October 18, 2016


Call to order: A quorum meeting of the Youth Council was held The Council Chambers at the City of Sugar Hill City Hall on October 18th, 2016. Mayor Pro Temp Aysha Jerald called the meeting to order at 5:35 PM.


Members in Attendance: Mayor Taylor Morain, Mayor Pro Temp Aysha Jerald, Agam Singh, Ethan Shaw, Kayla Roberts, Nida Merchant, Kaan Cubukcu, Roshni Patel

  1. Learn about the Epicenter
    1. This was moved to the beginning of the meeting in order to accommodate Mr. Scott Andrews.
    2. Epicenter is set to open in January 2018.
  2. Review Meeting Minutes
  3. Council Reports
    1. Aysha Jerald mentioned that the Players’ Guild is currently working on a new production: Holly-Daze.
      1. December 4th, 5th, 6th and December 10th, 11th
      2. Players’ Guild and Historical Preservation Society will have a cemetery tour on October 29th.
    2. Varessa Butts reported that the turnout for Sugar Rush was about 8000-10000 people.
  4. Mayor’s Day
    1. January 20th-23rd
  5. Media & Youth Ambassadors
    1. Media
      1. We will be communicating through the following social media platforms: Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter.
        1. Student Highlights such as events.
      2. Youth Ambassadors
        1. Thursday, October 20th– First Meeting (6-7 PM)
      3. Wednesday 10/19: 6:30 Annexation
        1. Meeting with the citizens to propose making the city a congruous area rather than many different spots.
      4. Tuesday 10/25: 5:00 Fayetteville County Leaders Visit
        1. City Dignitaries will attend a dinner meeting at Sugar Hill in order to gain ideas about the upcoming projects.
      5. Tour the Downtown
        1. Moved to the next meeting.

Call for adjournment: Agam Singh motioned to end the meeting, and Kaan Cubukcu seconded this motion. It was adjourned at 7:02 PM.

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