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Downtown Development Authority Meeting Minutes




06:30 PM

Meeting Location:

City Hall Community Room

Agenda Files:

Sugar Hill Downtown Development Authority Special Called Meeting Agenda
July 6, 2016 | 6:30 PM | City of Sugar Hill City Hall ¬ Community Room

Members Present: Nic Greene, Taylor Anderson, Nancy Wren, Allen Jorgensen, Marc Orcutt, Brandon Hembree, Nick Thompson

Staff Present: Paul Radford, Troy Besseche, Scott Andrews, Tim Schick, Frank Hartley, Kaipo Awana

Guests Present: Representatives from JWM Ventures, Bill Cornell, Doug Duffey, Representative from Urban Eats, Representatives from Oakhurst Realty


II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion Nancy, Allen 2nd. Unanimously passed

III. MINUTES Motion Nancy, Brandon, Unanimously passed

A. Approval of the Minutes of April 26, 2016

B. Regular Meeting

C. B. Approval of the Minutes of May 12, 2016 Special Called Meeting


A. Old Business
1. EpiCenter Update: Kevin McComber (Clark Patterson) provided an update and proposed timeline for the EpiCenter project.

Representatives from Urban Eats also gave an overview of their experience and some ideas they have for partnering with the EpiCenter project.

2. The Icon (fka The Seven Project Update) – Staff from JWM Ventures provided an update on the project, provided renderings and answered questions. A motion was made for the approval of the development plan for the “Icon” project. Allen, 2nd Marc. Unanimously passed.

**Motion to add item to the agenda regarding Duffey lease extension by Brandon, 2nd Nick T. Staff provided background on Mr. Duffey’s request. Mr. Duffey was also available to answer questions as needed. Motion to approve lease extension from July to Sept 30th. Nick T., 2nd Nancy. Unanimously passed.

3. Sugar Hill Town Center Update – Staff provided an update on the Sugar Hill Town Center project. The developer has asked for a 60 day plan extension that he can upgrade some of his plans with the potential of another story, more condos/less memory cares units., etc. Motion to extend the development plan for 60 days: Nancy, 2nd Nic T., Unanimously passed.

4. Solomon Project Update – Staff provided an update on the Solomon/Trinity project. The group will be coming to council for design review in September, with a prospective closing in late fall. The developer is still seeking to have 30-35 cottages as part of the project.

5. Mural Discussion – 17 Responses were received for the Mural RFP. A team has been formed for the selection process.

6. Suite Spot – See below.

a) SHBTG update – There is one open dedicated work space, there is one office that opens up at the end of July in which there are people waiting for the office space.

b) Artwork update – No update:

7. Downtown Mobility Plan: Discussions are continuing on a joint partnership on the mobility plan that will be co-planned upon multiple user groups, as well as co-financed upon DDA, and multiple developers. The recommendation is to get the consultant (Calyx) started on the study as soon as possible. Planning staff is also undergoing a parking inventory study to utilize in this study. Motion to proceed with Calyx for the mobility plan study for an amount not exceed $10000 on the DDA’s side, pending participation of the other development partners: Brandon, 2nd Allen. Unanimously approved.

8. Advertising Discussion:.

B. New Business

1. Lease extension of sub-leasing schools at the Buice School. Motion to approve lease extension of schools (St. John Bosco/Artios Academies) at Buice: Marc, 2nd Allen. Unanimously approved

V. City of Sugar Hill Staff Comments Staff provided an update on the upcoming concerts, bowl improvements, splash pad, and upcoming third party rentals.

The City of Sugar Hill just received National Main Street America Affiliate certification. Staff has arranged a partnership with the Gwinnett Chamber Partnership to utilize the Suite Spot on Mondays twice monthly. Staff will be making a push to advertise Suite Spot resources: Score/SBDC/Chamber Partnership in an effort to bring more awareness to the Suite Spot and Downtown Sugar Hill. DDA clean up “ Day of Service” event – July 23rd. 8am-11am.

VI. DDA Member/Officer comments: Several DDA members expressed excitement in the Icon and EpiCenter plans.

A. Budget report There is a recommendation to reallocate $3000 from advertising to the building improvements account at the Suite Spot: Motion: Brandon, 2nd Marc. Unanimously approved


Motion to adjourn: Brandon, 2nd Allen. Meeting closed at 835pm.

VIII. If needed, Executive Session to discuss items, which are exempt from the open meetings act pursuant to O.C.G.A. section 50¬14¬3.

IX. If needed, public action to be taken as a result of Executive Session

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