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Historic Preservation Society Meeting Agenda




07:00 PM

Meeting Location:

City Hall History Room

Agenda Files:

Sugar Hill Historic Preservation Society Meeting

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

  1. Introductions
  1. Treasurer’s Report
  • Walking tour of Buice School for SHHPS members
  1. Discuss Historical Markers
  1. Assist Rachel Schmalz and Cathy Hyer (Suwanee Creek Chapter of NSDAR) with events for both Memorial Day (May 29) and Veterans Day (November 11),
    1. Memorial Day would consist of a wreath laying ceremony at our Veterans Memorial on the lawn across from City Hall. It will last no more than 15 or 20 minutes.
    2. The Veterans Day event ‪on November 11 would include music from possibly the Broad Street Band, a flag raising by Boy Scouts, a military salute with muskets by costumed Button Gwinnett SAR members, brief remarks from a speaker, and a reception with light hors d’oeuvres inside City Hall. The event would last from about ‪10:30 AM until noon or so
  1. Assist city council with the acquisition of the Sugar Hill Cemetery.
    1. Sort through present and past plot sales.
    2. SHHPS involvement with master planning of cemetery.
    3. Include Kile/Benson cemetery into the same maintenance plan
    4. Plan walking tours of SH Cemetery
  • Plan for Sugar Rush
    1. Combine with Cemetery Tour II?
  • Volunteers/Nominations
    1. Congratulate Margaret Neal, selected as a member of SHHPS by City Council.
  1. Any other discussion?
  1. Important Dates
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