Project Updates, Public Works |

Highway 20 Pedestrian Bridge.  Design is complete. Layout, size and construction materials have been selected during the 2022 scoping phase. The permitting process is also complete, issued by GDOT.  The project has been awarded to Ohmshiv Construction, LLC. A pre-construction meeting was held on November 19, 2024. Work is underway for utility coordination and moving the E Center monument sign on Highway 20 to the Atlas property. The anticipated completion date is the end of 2025.

Downtown Greenway/LCI Project.  The trail connection from Highway 20 at PIB to the downtown bridge and main North-South spine of the greenway is funded by the LCI (Livable Centers Initiative) administered by Georgia DOT. This project is funded by a grant from the Federal Highway Administration via GDOT so the process is a little different. We have a finalist for the design team and now are in the process of refining the scope of work and negotiating design fees with the best qualified candidate. The project will provide an urban greenway connection from PIB/20 to Alton Tucker and then on back to Highway 20. The timeline for construction and final alignment will be determined once we have the design finished.  A design contract is being finalized with Keck & Wood.

Northside Greenway.  As part of their developments, Novare Sugar Hill, The Refinery by Prestwick and Hillcrest Landing are constructing segments of the Greenway to the North of Hwy 20 and along Hillcrest Dr. This will consist of a winding segment from Stanley St. through their developments and connecting to the sidewalk on Hillcrest Dr. at Brookdale Dr. Staff recently explored an area north of this to determine the feasibility of winding the trail through the woods to Richland Creek. This looks promising and design work is underway. We also have begun discussions for easements for ROW.

This portion of the project should be completed in 2025.


Gary Pirkle Park Streambank Restoration.  The project’s purpose is to restore the stream bank at the bridge in Gary Pirkle Park and stabilize it to prevent further erosion, reducing a threat to the driveway and sidewalk in the park. The city hired TriScapes, Inc. to build the project improvements.  This project is complete and closeout documents are being consolidated for the project file.  Grants for future phases

West Broad St Streetscape.   Initial design work, public involvement and information gathering has begun on enhancing the streetscapes in downtown. The project will consider various enhancements along W. Broad Street, including parking improvements, pedestrian safety improvements, traffic calming, street lighting, decorative signage, landscaping, street furniture and pedestrian crossing. This is a multi-year project that is in its beginning phases. Some initial steps

4605 Creek Bluff.   This is a property the City owns that had a failed stormwater system in the back portion of the lot. An RFP was issued to find a contractor that will repair the stormwater pipe and outlet control structure. Dickerson Group, Inc. was awarded the contract. This project is complete.

Magical Way Site Improvements.  This property was recently acquired by the City. Streetlights and a dumpster pad will be installed as part of the purchase sales agreement, and it will also be part of a sidewalk project connecting that side of Church Street with Level Creek Rd.

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