The City of Sugar Hill is pleased to offer community members the opportunity to memorialize their loved ones who have served the nation through a military branch. Residents and those with connections to Sugar Hill can personalize a piece of the Veterans Memorial with an engraved brick to be set into the Sugar Hill Veterans Memorial Plaza. Place your online brick orders by Monday, March 10, at Veteran Brick Application –
City of Sugar Hill to be completed in time for Memorial Day, 2025. Limited spaces are available.
The majority of your payment goes towards the cost of the brick engraving.
There are three lines and each line has specifies what information can be included.
The form is open throughout the year. So that bricks are engraved in time for either Memorial Day of Veterans Day, the order(s) must be received according to deadlines which will be updated on the website. If the deadline is missed, the brick will be engraved and placed for the next following holiday.
Orders are filled twice a year based off national holidays. Depending on when your order was place, you will see your brick by Memorial Day or Veterans Day. Go to the order form for more details.
Yes, we will reach out to you via the email you provided on the form. A proof will be sent at the end of each order period and you will have a three-day window to confirm the information is displayed correctly.
5039 West Broad Street • Sugar Hill, GA 30518
Phone: (770) 945-6716 • Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm