The Automatic Payment Service (APS) lets you pay your City of Sugar Hill Natural Gas Utility bill automatically. Your payment will always be on time, without requiring you to write or mail a check! And it’s absolutely FREE!

Don’t wait – sign up today! After you sign up, you will continue to receive your regular billing statement and you will have plenty of time to contact us with any questions before your automatic payment is made.

If you are interested in applying for the program, simply click on the link below to print the authorization agreement form. Complete the required information on the authorization agreement and mail the form along with a voided check to the City of Sugar Hill Gas Department.

APS Account Update / Cancellation

APS Authorization Agreement

It typically takes from 6 to 8 weeks to process your request. During that time continue to pay your bill as usual until you receive a bill saying, “BANK DRAFTED – DO NOT PAY!” As soon as you receive that notification you will know you are on the program. It’s that simple!

If you have any questions regarding this new service offering, please do not hesitate to contact the Sugar Hill Gas Department by calling 770-945-6716, Monday through Friday,

Billing & Service

5039 West Broad Street
Sugar Hill, GA 30518

Office Hours:  Mon – Fri, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Phone: (770) 945-6716
Fax: (770) 945-0281

quick links

Emailing Gas Department?

When sending information via email to the City of Sugar Hill regarding your gas utility, please be sure to follow-up with a phone call to ensure we received your email. Please call (770) 945-6716 to speak to one of our Customer Service Representatives.

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