Permits/Inspections. Two single-family home permits were issued in the month of December averaging 3,274 square feet.
Several large-scale remodel permits were issued during the month of December. Devore and Johnson, located at 4488 Brogdon Park Court is remodeling 20,000 square feet of space and both building 100 and 200 at the new Sugar Hill Distribution Center are receiving their tenant finishes.
An application for building permit review has been submitted for the Solis Sugar Hill project.

Solis Sugar Hill Project Site Adjacent to City Hall & The Bowl – December 22, 2021
The Marshal’s office welcomed two deputy marshals into the service beginning in January and will be announcing several more openings very soon. A number of equipment, vehicle, and supply orders were completed in December in anticipation of the additional staff coming on board in 2022. In addition, agreements with the county are being drafted to address key components of the enforcement-side of public safety and will be presented for approval at upcoming Council meetings.
Enforcement actions were pursued in two areas of the city related to vandalism and petty theft, resulting in arrest and prosecution. Training activities for the chief as well as hiring process efforts have consumed the balance of the workload for the month.
Parks. While there are no organized athletics scheduled at Gary Pirkle Park this month, the park has been busy with guests gathering to get in some exercise and enjoy the park’s amenities in the pleasant weather. A winter clean-up day was held in the Community Garden to complete the end of another plentiful year. Look for a notification coming soon regarding renewal and new membership opportunities.
Downtown and City Hall. Winter landscaping and trimming occurred on the grounds of city hall, the E Center and throughout the downtown area. The process of cleaning up and storing all holiday decorations has begun and will continue until complete.
Ice Rink. Many guests have enjoyed the venue over the last several weeks between kids being out of school for winter break and families gathering to enjoy activities during the holidays.
E Center. Gym memberships have now surpassed 15,293 (30% are non-residents). Reservation numbers for both The Waterfall Room and classrooms remained high with many community meetings, events, and private parties held throughout the holiday season.
Golf. The unseasonably warm temperatures and pleasant weather resulted in another successful December at the course. Look for notification on the new Sugar Hill Golf Association (SHGA) meeting and membership drive coming soon. For more information on becoming a SHGA member or course information, contact our pro shop staff at the Golf Course by calling 770-271-0519.
Events. The Eagle Theatre hosted over 6,000 guests in the month of December, making it our most profitable month to date. Tickets to The Players Guild’s show, Clue, are now available with performances beginning at The Eagle on the 11th of February. Tickets to the 3rd Annual Broad St. Film Fest are available for the upcoming virtual event scheduled for the 26th of February. Be on the lookout for details coming soon on the 2022 concert season.
E Center Leasing Update. The downtown welcomed both Scoops and Rivermill to our E Center with both opening their doors during the last quarter of 2021. Scoops was able to take advantage of many of our programming opportunities during December and Rivermill has fared well, offering delicious pastries, baked goods, breads, and desserts.
Community. The winners of the 2021 Volunteer of the Year and Susan Roebuck Community Champion Awards will be announced soon. Last year’s winners were Bhaumi Shah of the Sugar Hill Youth Council for Volunteer of the Year and Tiffany Hale-Carter of the Black Women’s Association of Sugar Hill as the Community Champion. This will be the 7th year of the Volunteer of the Year Award and the 3rd year for the Susan Roebuck Community Champion Award. We are very grateful for all our residents who spend their time and resources to make Sugar Hill a better place.
Gas Department. We have installed 6,289 transmitters in our AMR system to date. Our utility locating staff completed services on 494 sites and worked with our construction contractors on various sites around the city to protect our underground utilities. Staff has been working through regulatory compliance tasks, new service installations, and 8 other service requests to round out the workload last month.
Street & Stormwater Department. Yard debris operations delivered 1 load of mulch and had 145 truckloads of bagged clippings collected. This resulted in 30 loads of debris to the disposal site. We had two (2) open-top dumpster rentals, equaling November’s total. The stormwater staff kept busy with our regulatory compliance program inspections along with pre- and post-storm event drain cleaning.
Sugar Hill Greenway Trail. Weather and suppliers inventory issues continue to slow down progress on this project. TriScapes Construction (TSI), the city’s general contractor has substantially completed the trail segment from downtown through EE Robinson Park (North) down to Gwinnett Church along Peachtree Industrial Boulevard. TSI has bridges 1 and 2 ready for placement in the sections in the natural areas between Level Creek and Whitehead across GDOT right-of-way formerly reserved for the Northern Arc. The section from Level Creek to PIB has been graded and now awaits confirmation of compaction and gravel base installation.
Gold Mine Park. TriScapes has substantially completed most of the grading activity for the parking lot and the driveway as they are nearly to finished subgrade, but the site is still being used for laydown and staging for northwest segments of the greenway construction. Installation of stormwater control structures interior to the site is complete. The structures for water supply and sewer are on site and will be installed soon. The restroom building is in production and should be delivered soon. Paving should begin once the bridge on the Greenway is in place and the heavy equipment is removed. The proposed park, which includes vehicle and bicycle parking, a restroom building and mine entrance overlook, serves as a trailhead on the city’s greenway and offers a chance for guests to learn more about the city’s gold mining history.
City Hall Parking Deck Resurfacing. The work on the parking deck has been completed, including replacement of the expansion plate between the city hall building and parking deck. The deck was able to reopen during the busy holiday season. The surface installed provides protection to the reinforced concrete deck and has a ten-year product warranty.
Staff processed 195 passports, totalling $6,825.00 and took 144 passport photos, totalling $2,160.00 for the month of December. Applications for new gas service totaled 134 while the department processed 105 disconnects. The total number of active meters is currently 11,672. Business license renewals were mailed out and receipt of some of the completed forms have already been submitted.