Looking for ENVISION100?
The comprehensive plan is a general guide for municipal processes, programming, policy and budgeting. It will typically cast a vision to which the community aspires for the next five to ten years. A good plan paints a clear picture of the future while documenting current conditions and anticipating obstacles. Plans are most effective when they identify specific tasks designed to achieve the community’s goals and objectives.
Planning provides guidance for daily decision making in local government. Without sound planning we run the risk of making uninformed choices which could negatively impact the health, safety and economic well-being of our community. We have a responsibility to go after the aims and vision established by the community.
Periodic updates to the comprehensive plan are required to maintain eligibility for various funding, permitting and incentive programs administered by the State of Georgia. More importantly, plans grow stale as community preferences, demographics and market conditions change over time. New issues and opportunities often come to light as the city works toward implementation. Fresh solutions or different angles of approach become necessary as new obstacles are encountered. Planning is an ongoing process in which we assemble the plan, begin executing the plan, evaluate progress and repeat. Sometimes assembling the plan is simply a recalibration or minor update and sometimes it’s an entirely new plan.
5039 West Broad Street • Sugar Hill, GA 30518
Phone: (770) 945-6716 • Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm